Purple Heart Combat Wounded Veterans of Arizona
The Purple Heart Combat Wounded Veterans of Arizona (PHCWVOA) is the charitable non-profit organization for the Military Order of the Purple Heart’s Department of Arizona. We bring patriotic donors together with combat-wounded veterans who spilled their blood in the name of our nation’s freedom to promote their recovery.
Funds raised are used to support programs including Suicide Awareness and Prevention, Youth Activities (fostering patriotism and good citizenship), Advanced Education Scholarships, Employment Training, Women Veterans Issues, and Veterans Advocacy here in Arizona.
Our goal is to help make sure the programs receive robust support so more Veterans and their families can be provided with the necessary assistance.
The PHCWVOA is a 501.c.3 non-profit public charity (EIN 82-1286505).
Thank-you in advance for supporting Veterans!

Donate with Zeffy
Zeffy is the only 100% free fundraising platform for nonprofits; no platform fees, no credit card processing fees, no monthly fees – NO FEES.
How is Zeffy really free? It’s simple – voluntary contributions from donors.
At the payment confirmation step on fundraising forms, donors have the option to contribute to Zeffy. This is Zeffy’s only source of revenue and allows Zeffy to cover all of the fees for the 10,000+ nonprofits that fundraise with Zeffy.
Other Ways to Help
American Dream Programs
The American Dream Ambassador Program gives registered home owners access to discounts to products and services for home renovation/remodeling, for a one-time $50 registration fee. You will receive discounts as well as a $25 tax-deductible donation in your name.
The AZ Department of MOPH will receive a $25 donation when you register.
Fry’s Community Rewards Program
Fry’s Community Rewards Program will make an annual donation to AZ Department MOPH (under the 501(c)3 Purple Heart Combat Wounded Veterans of Arizona) – amount dependent upon consumer activity. This will come at no cost to the shopper or affect their rewards points.
Upon registration or logging into an existing account, go to My account -> community awards and search for either the code LR838 or the name Purple Heart Combat Wounded Veterans of Arizona.